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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Morgellons victim jumps to death in Germany


Morgellons victim jumps to death in Germany

A German woman committed suicide: she had Morgellons and the spectacular way she committed suicide is a desperate scream against silence and censure which cover this dire disease caused by chemtrails.

A woman in Germany jumped to her death from a hot air balloon. Monica B. had Morgellons. She chose this spectacular method of suicide to publicize the plight of those with this illness. She left a note about having Morgellons and not receiving any help. Here is the German article from the Munich newspaper (you may be able to translate with Google translater):

This has produced a storm of publicity about Morgellons in Germany. The backlash went to Marc Neumann. He had been contacted to help Monica B., but before he could get through to her she committed suicide. I just talked to him and he feels threatened. His German site was being attacked as we spoke. His site has been suddenly visited by numerous government agencies. And most notably by those companies that produce pesticides containing bioinsecticides made with fungi, nematodes, bacteria and other living materials. The biggest of those companies is Bayer which was on his site just today.

Marc Neumann went to see a lawyer about suing the pesticide companies that are causing widespread environmental hazards. Now he is actually in fear for his life, because he has spoken out about a multimillion business. If he decides to sue these companies he might be in danger. I for one would help him any way I could, including a defense fund, if needed. Or, if he could actually sue these companies, I would like to contribute to shut them down. This includes the evil Monsanto.

Posted by Brian Andrews on aircrap.org
Source: tz-online.de


  1. straker (minuscola voluta) sei il solito sciacallo di merda. Un essere come te non è assolutamente degno del consesso civile, dovresti essere recluso a vita. Sfruttare la morte di una poveraccia psicolabile è proprio una vigliaccata grande come l'Everest.

  2. Non posso che sottolineate quanto già detto da Ironman....


  3. rosario marcianò = merda d'uomo

  4. Era solo una poveretta malata. La sua morte e' soprattutto responsabilita' di cialtroni come stercorarius sanremensis e affini che, per i loro luridi fini, fanno credere a gente ingenua e con problemi caratteriali, le loro immonde menzogne.
    Strakkino, attento tu, i tuoi sodali e tutti i venditori di fuffa, la Nemesi arrivera' a colpire anche voi, spietata e implacabile, non illudetevi, non le sfuggirete ...

  5. Sono andato a leggermi l´articolo originale della TZ Online. Nell´articolo viene intervistato un dottore di un centro per lo studio della Borrelliosi che effettivamente parla di Morgellons e del fatto che si tratta di una malattia sconosciuta criticando chi la bolla come una turba mentale.
    Sarebbe interessante vedere chi é veramente questo esperto e andare alla fonte. Se qualcuno vuole cimentarsi io traduco l´intero articolo.

  6. Centro olistico per le malattie da zecca? O_o

  7. Evvài con le sciacallate sui morti.

    ilpeyote sfruttatori di tragedie si nasce e loro lo nacquero modestamente
